Thursday, September 12, 2013

Favourite Club

What's your favourite club? No, I'm not talking about the bar down the street, I'm talking about your golf club. 

One of the weekly games that our Ladies' League plays, I will call it 'Take it or Leave it', only lets them play with a few clubs. The rules of the game are:

  1. Take your putter
  2. Choose 3 other clubs
  3. Leave everything else behind in your car
  4. Using only those 4 clubs, play golf
Sounds daunting right? Yes, it has its challenges, but this is what's great about it. Some ladies take the easy route and choose their 3 favourite clubs to accompany the putter. But if you wanted a challenge, you should take your 3 weakest clubs. Why? Because this way you are forced to use them and practice making them work for you. 

For example, I am terrible at using hybrids. I just can't get them to work to my advantage. So when I carry my whole set of clubs with me, I often opt for a club I'm more comfortable with. Yes, it's great to hit a nice shot, but I'm losing out on a) getting use of my hybrids and b) I never give myself the chance to learn to use them.

This way, with only 3 clubs and a putter, when you're out on the fairway and your favourite clubs are in yards away the car, you have no other choice but to learn how to make it work for you.

So next time you're out for a less-serious round, play Take it or Leave it. Choose 3 clubs and putter and play your round. What will you do? Take the easy way out, or the hard way out?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Online Dating

This is a weighted title. Those two words hold a lot of heat. A recent trend? I'm not so sure it's still 'recent', but it is definitely still trending. It started with E-Harmony, then, and now plenty-of-fish and ok-cupid. The online dating service is expanding. 

This topic has been heavily discussed and now it's time to take it to the Bushwood Blog. I've been avoiding this topic for a while now, and I think it's finally time to face it. 

Lets weigh the pro's and con's:

-get to know someone first before going on a date
-no awkward conversation of if the person is interested in a relationship or not (otherwise, why would they be on the website)
-matched with the right personality (or so the websites claim)
-time saver
-avoid the awkward 'asking out' interaction in public

-lacks originality
-minimal effort (could be a pro?)
-no physical interaction
-lacks personal touch
-LOTS of fish in the sea (almost too many to weed out)
-lose the ability to interact in person and feel the first spark

So here's the dilemma: online dating has spread beyond its original target group of 35 year olds and up. Now, it encompasses almost every age group. You have to be 18 to join, but really? 18 year olds don't need to be on a dating website. That's just wrong. Today when I came home, my roommate told me about her friend that was going on a date with someone she met on First of all, what 21 year old needs to pay for an online dating site. We are in our prime to go out and meet people, especially in university. Second of all, what 21 year old MALE is likely to go on an online dating site...probably not someone I'd want to date. So as a female, is the online dating pool limited? 

I just don't know which way to go on this debate. Yes, it's great for meeting people if you don't have the opportunity to. But if you do have the opportunity, get out from behind the screen and meet them on your own time at your own pace.

What are your thoughts? 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Golf Gadgets

While trying to come up with a topic for my next posting, I decided to do some research. I did some googling and came across a product that...well, I don't really know what to say about this product.

So, before I tell you what it is, lets play a guessing game. See if you can figure out the product from these hints:
  1. Goes in your golf bag
  2. Provides you with one of the necessities of life
  3. Has two physical states: solid and liquid
  4. Battery operated
  5. Completes your golf game
Stumped yet?? It's the Drink Dispensing Driver (highlight over the blank area to see the answer)

After reading the product description here, I discovered that it isn't actually a useable golf club. Thank goodness! But for $89.95, you can disguise your drinks in this golf club look-a-like. Powered by 2 AA batteries, this product claims to hold 54oz (about 6 cups) of liquid while maintaining the temperature for up to 5 hours.

For those of you who love to give gag gifts at Christmas, I think this will be the perfect thing. Although it comes at a hefty price ($89.95...seriously!?) it would be interesting to see if it actually works. 

But before you think about ordering this item, take a look at the image - it appears to be just half a driver shaft with an attachment to what looks to be inside a pocket in the golf bag. Rip off! For $89.95, I expect a full golf club shaft.

Regardless, it's an ideal solution to quenching your thirst on the course before the Beverage Cart makes its rounds. Or of course, just grab a good-ole fashioned water bottle like everyone else does...


Friday, August 30, 2013

Labour Day Weekend

Well everyone, it's officially the Labour Day Long Weekend. The last weekend of the summer before the kids all go back to school and life gets a little more chaotic. Juggling the different emotions that everyone has getting back into a routine can be a challenge. And on top of that, there are school/work lunches to be made, clothes to be laid out the night before, shopping to be done, and I'm sure I left a few things out.

Handling and coordinating a smooth transition back into 'life' can be difficult. Here are a few handy tips to remember:

*The kids are feeling anxious - just remember, anxiety is a normal hormonal reaction, especially with change going on. Keep your cool and remind yourself that 'this too shall pass'. Take it minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.

*The stress is causing your grey hair to come out - well, this too is a natural reaction. Handle your stress as best you can by getting a daily organizer to strategize and plan out your days and weeks. And most importantly, stop by Shoppers Drug Mart for that root touch up kit.

*Shopping for new outfits - ugh, the dreaded shopping day. Remember to keep your patience in tact, and just go with the flow. Eat a good breakfast and bring water with you. You never know when you're going to get a stress headache and need to hydrate.

*Back to school/work lunches - the handiest tip for lunches is to do it the night before. Not only will this save you time in the morning, but you can also sleep easy knowing there's one less thing to get done tomorrow. A piece of fruit, a sweet treat, something to drink and a solid PB & J sandwich will always do the trick in a pinch.

So, for all of your adults that are easing into the 'new year', that which is the school year, remember to keep your cool and go with the flow. Organization is one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself to save both time and energy.

And lastly, since you are all under more stress this weekend, use that extra day for yourself. Grab your clubs and come up to Bushwood for our Long Weekend Golf and Cart Specials. And if you aren't a golfer, that's fine too! Come into the Caddyshack for a cold beer or two or three!

See you there ;)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sizzling Summer Season

As summer draws to a close and labour day approaches, the golf summer season is drawing to a close as well. Bushwood has had a great summer season with great prices! And just because summer is ending, doesn't mean the great deals are ending too.This labour day weekend, Bushwood is the place to be. With awesome golf and cart combos, it's the perfect way to wrap up the summer season and tee off into the fall. 

As the saying goes 'when one door closes, another one opens', the same goes for trends in golf. With the fall golf season approaching, new trends are emerging. Recently, the talk of the (golf) town has been the peak of teenagers taking over in the industry. We are seeing amazing talent in young golfers on the televised golf tournaments.

Referencing back to a previous post, 'The Truth About Youth', it just goes to show that the youth of today have a strong interest in golf and they are going far with it. Hopefully this trend of youth golfers will continue into upcoming seasons and be passed down to the even younger generations!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Bonding at Bushwood

Many people know that the golf course is one of the main places where business deals go down. But in the business world, golf isn't limited to just making deals. Every year, many companies have staff outings or group events to build connections in the workplace and strengthen the bonds amongst employees. This is beneficial not only for the success of the organization itself, but also for the members of the organization.

As a business communications student with honours at Brock, this is no foreign topic to me. So for me being able to talk about my studies and golf combined is like a hole in one!

Bushwood hosts many company tournaments each season with much success. Not only do these tournaments provide an opportunity for the players to get a day away from the office, but it also works as a team-building day for the company. Having a golf tournament day is a great way to keep employee satisfaction high. It makes everyone feel appreciated for the work they put in. Additionally, it provides the opportunity to match up employees from different areas of the office for the golf foursomes. This is a great way to share new perspectives from within the company with each other, as well as by enabling a wider circle of relationships amongst employees who may not interact daily.

All in all, a bonding day at the course is a win-win for everyone involved. Go ahead, reward yourself for the hard work you do at the office - get on the greens and strengthen the workplace connections!

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Golf has never been known as a sport recognizable for creating scandals that the tabloids love. Rather, many people view golf as a boring old-person sport. Part of that perception comes from the fact that it is a participant sport, not a team sport (excluding the Ryder Cup, of course). The other part comes from the long duration of the sport, the tranquility, respect and focus required in the game. When you think golf you don’t think: sex but, when you think hockey you think: jocks and sex (right?).

But wait, stop the press! Or if you look it at differently, start it? Things changed when Tiger Woods’ sexual rendezvous’ in 2009 hit the headlines. These were the first major stories in golf to unite sex and sport.

An article I found online by Gerald Posner talks about the hidden ‘groupie’ scene in the realm of golf. You can find it here: The article reveals that prior to Woods’ slip up and cheating scandal, this type of behaviour was not uncommon among golfers. Take a look and you may be shocked by what you learn – at least I was.

Ultimately, sex and golf are not as a detached as they may seem. According to sources in the article, male pro golfers often use their caddy as the middle man by getting them to pull a good looking lady into the autograph line. Also talked about in Posner’s article was the use of the clubhouse as a way to mingle with the single ladies after a round (of golf and drinks).

But outside of the professional world, what connection do golf and sex have? Well, for some players, it’s a way to bond with buddies and share some stories on the course – girl talk or guy talk if you will. For others, the sport is a way to meet people in order to get to the sex portion of the combo. Whether you’re single, married or it’s complicated, golf and sex have an undeniable connection – it’s up to you whether you find it or not.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Lucky Leagues

Golfing alone can be peaceful and help bring focus to your game. But you can’t always play alone – what fun would that be? Finding friends to golf with can be a challenge; not everyone may have the same appreciation or love for the game that you do. So how do you find people to golf with? Easy! Join a league. 

Bushwood offers many leagues:

  • Monday Men’s League
  • Tuesday Ladies' Lunch League
  • Tuesday Ladies' League
  • Wednesday Ladies' Links League
The benefits of joining a league are endless!

1.     MEET PEOPLE – joining a league is a great way to meet new people and find a new golf buddy!

2.    IMPROVE YOUR GAME – golfing with leagues provides the opportunity for league members to share tips with each other to help improve their game.

3.     GET SOCIAL – after a league, members socialize with a cool beer and some food in the clubhouse. It’s a great way to expand your social circle!

4.     NETWORK – the golf course is prime place for business deals to go down. Join and league and you could find an expected network connection for your career!

5.     GET A LIFE – joining a league guarantees you one night out per week. It gives you a break and some time away from the kids or your spouse! There is nothing more peaceful than the long stretch of a fairway ahead of you as the sun is setting.

So, next time you think about going out for a solo round, think about joining a league or calling up a friend that you met at a league night. It will change your game!

Monday, July 15, 2013

A Par-fect Day At The Course!

Golf is tough – mentally, physically, and even emotionally. It can be difficult to have a good, if not great day at the course. Here a few things I think can lead to a par-fect day on the course! 

  1.  A good set of clubs! You want your clubs to fit your body size appropriately. Whether you have top of the line clubs or not, make sure they fit you properly. You wouldn’t wear a pair of shoes that were to small, so why should you play golf with clubs that make you hunch over and give you back pain by the end of the round?
  2. Keep your head on straight! With the ups and down of golf, it’s important to remember to have a clear head. Whether it’s a birdie or a bogey, don’t get flustered!
  3. Once your head is on straight, put a hat on it! As we approach the middle of July, the heat is on full force. To protect yourself from the sun, always make sure you’ve got a hat and some sunscreen in the bag.
  4. Stay hydrated! Bring your own bottle of water, or grab a cold one in the Caddyshack. With a long day of golf ahead of you, keep your body hydrated. Don’t forget to have one cup of water for every tall boy you enjoy out there!
  5. A nice set of wheels! No, I’m not talking about the type of car you drive. Take a set of wheels on the course with you – either a golf cart ($18 per rider) or a pull cart. Don’t worry if you don’t have a pull cart – you can rent one for $5!
  6. Indulge in a cold one at the Caddyshack! After your par-fect round, end the day with a cold beer in the Caddyshack. With our new menu, it’s the perfect occasion to reward yourself for a job well done on the course.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Oh Canada, Oh Cake

Bushwood celebrated Canada Day in fine fashion with its members, public, staff and campers in honour of our country’s 146th birthday. Bushwood’s leading ladies, Mary and Heather, took to the kitchen to bake a red and white cake to celebrate. With red and white balloons, flags and banners to accompany the cake, festivities were in full swing. 
Speaking of swing, golfers grabbed their clubs and headed to the range for a free bucket of balls to do some pre-game practice. If you missed out on the freebies, you still have a chance! With the Canadian Open fast approaching, Bushwood is buzzing with talk about who will claim the title. With Tiger out of the mix, it’s time for a new fan fave. A native to the course with his own record, Bushwood staffers are routing for our own Bubba Watson.

Now it’s your turn! Post your thoughts on who you think will be the 2013 Canadian Open Champ for a chance to win a free pass for two to play our executive course! All entries will be entered to win.
Happy Belated Birthday Canada!

The Truth About Youth

Leading up to the nationwide “Take a Kid to the Course” program, my curiosity has been sparked about the interest in golf by today’s “youth” (I use this term loosely to talk about golfers aged 8-25). This week, Bushwood is participating in the “Take a Kid to the Course” program that runs across Canada, encouraging families and juniors to take up the sport.
Looking around our facility, and especially now that school is out, it is noticeable that the golf community is no longer limited to players fitting the stereotypical image: retired males. Rather, there are many tykes out on the course getting a feel for the game.
The shifting population of golfers to expand opportunities to the Gen Y and Millennial generations seeks the truth about how and why this change came about? Here are some of my thoughts:
·      New trends – in clothing and styles. As a woman, fashion is a fairly significant part of my life. As styles on the runway change, so do styles on the fairway. The trendy clothing the pros are wearing has shown kids that plaid is ‘rad’. Is this why they show interest in the sport?

·      Inspiration – from emerging pros like Rory Mcilroy and Ricky Fowler, to name a few. These names are familiar to both golfers and non-golfers. Their commitment to the sport and personability through the media gives the kids a role model to look up to in the sport. Is this why they show interest in the sport?

·      Social Media – like twitter, facebook, instagram. Just a few years ago, these words would’ve been foreign. But in both golf and social media, the times are changing. Social media outlets are great ways for kids to gain exposure and interest for the golf. Is this why they show interest in the sport?

·      Camps – like Bushwood’s summer camp for kids. The summer golf camps offered at Bushwood are a great way to introduce the sport to beginners, as well as provide learning opportunities to strengthen the game for novices. Is this why they show interest in the sport?

·      Family outings – as a kid, going to play a round on the executive course at Bushwood was just another Saturday outing. It was normal for my sister and I, but it also wasn’t really a choice. At the time, I wasn’t so appreciative, but now I’m grateful for the opportunity to develop my skill. So do kids join the sport young with their families, or do they join in their later years?
What do you guys think? What has sparked the interest in youth to take up golf? When did you start to play? Post a comment to share your thoughts!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

8 Ways to Train Your Brain to Hate Junk Food

8 Ways to Train Your Brain to Hate Junk Food
While on vacation, I came across this article in the Barbados Advocate written by Alex D'Souza. I thought with golf season upon us the temptation to eat junk food is very real!

You can eat healthy, by staying away from processed foods and eating as many whole foods as possible.
1. Practice the 5 Ingredient Rule
If there are more than 5 ingredients on a food label - this is a red flag for food processing- do not buy it!
2. Aim for 3 Colours
A 2012 Cornell study found that people prefer 3 food items and 3 different types colors on their plates, compared with more or less of either category.
3. Break Your Routine
It only takes a few weeks - about 3 - to break your routine - to form a habit. If you associate 3pm with a trip to the vending machine, start a tradition to walk around the block for 5 minutes instead. This will likley kick your craving altogether.
4. Make Healthy Food Your Treat
One of my favourite desserts? Red Grapes I stash in the freezer, which let me cap off my dinner with something sweet without kick-starting sugar cravings.
5. And Keep It Handy
Store healthy foods you want to eat more front and centre in your fridge and out on your countertops. Snack foods are so easy to dig into!
6. Know Your Trigger Foods
Chocolate covered anything? By knowing the foods that send you down the spiral of junk food binging, you have already accomplished half of the battle.  Keep them out of the house.
7. Gross Yourself Out
One surefire way to consume less processed food is to learn more about what you're really eating.
8. Chew More Than You Need
Adam Melonas, renowned chef and Founder of UNREAL candy shared this smart tip, "If you can make people chew more, they'll eat less." The next time you sneak in a treat, chew slowly and conscioulsy. Wait until you finish one bite to take the next.

I hope you are playing some golf in spite of the irratic weather we are experiencing in the GTA this year.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New Beginnings

Another season is upon us and like every spring in Canada golfers are filled with a sense of renewal and optimism. Every golfer is at a different stage in their development but we can all have the sense that this will be the year. I recently came across a video made by Arnold Palmer that hopefully will change your perspective on how you can reach your goals this summer.

This video by the King reminded me of a question I often pose to my students. If you had the choice to choose between a perfectly repeatable swing and a random swing that can adapt to different situations. Which would you choose?

I would say that close to 80 percent of golfers would choose the repeatable swing. I mean isn’t that what were all looking for? The apparent holy grail of golf is to have that perfect swing with perfect angles that looks the same every time. Unfortunately golf doesn’t work that way. Golf is a sport where the field of play is always changing. We are never in the same place in relation to the target more then once, and we will never make the exact same golf swing twice. Personally, I want the swing that can adapt to any situation. A swing, as Arnold says is “perfect in its imperfections.” This summer I would encourage you to practice different shots instead of positions. I would encourage you to gain an intimate knowledge of your swing instead of trying to copy some pro you saw on television. Learn how to hit a draw and a fade, learn how to hit it high and low, learn a new short game shot, and learn how to putt with your imagination instead of a checklist. When you approach your game in this way you start to own your swing in only a way that YOU can. I think you just might start to enjoy it too!

Eric Frederickson
Head Teaching Professional
Bushwood Golf Club
(647) 213-3733

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

And the 2013 season is fast approaching!

With the start up April upon us, the 2013 golf season is fast approaching! It's hard to believe that after months of 'Old Man Winter' we are finally seeing the signs of spring! Though some snow remains on the ground, with a little bit of sun and warm temperatures, the green grass is sure to appear shortly!

Are you ready for the season? There are a few things you'll need to ensure you are prepared for the upcoming year. Namely...

1. A set of clubs! Sometimes we forget that we lost a club in the last season, or that one of our irons needs a new grip. Or maybe you need a new set altogether because your set circa 1990 just isn't cutting it anymore! Did you know that spring can be one of the best times to buy golf clubs? The casual golfer typically doesn't think about golf equipment until the weather begins to warm up. This time of year you will see the new models of most clubs arriving on store shelves, which means that last year's models can be found for less!

2. A pair of golf shoes. While a pair of good golf shoes aren't a necessity for the occasional golfer, they can help improve your game by keeping your feet better grounded during your club swing, resulting in a more stable full body movement. Golf shoes are available at numerous retailers from all kinds of different manufacturers. It is important to note that the top of the line pair may not be for you and a more affordable option can still suit your golfing needs. Check out golf supply stores for last year's models, as they often reduce their prices when the new line of shoes arrives for the season.

3. A golfing buddy. No one wants to golf alone. Ok.. maybe some people do enjoy a solo round to enjoy the nature, solitude and peace that a game of golf can offer. But who doesn't like a little healthy competition?! If your spouse doesn't golf or if your coworkers are too busy, why not try to meet new people who share your common interest: golf. There is a site I've come across: - it's fantastic! The way it works is you create a profile and account, and then can search and join various groups in your area. You specify what city and what kind of activity you are looking for, and voila! If there isn't a group out there, you can create your own. Why not create a meetup group for golfers looking to get out monthly, weekly or even more frequently? It's a great way to meet new people who share the same love for golf and want to get out for a round or two.

4. A few other fundamentals... Just a few miscellaneous items that we often forget about but that should be a staple in our golf bags: golf balls and tees (duh), a divot tool to repair any divots you might make during the course of play (and let's face it.. the first few rounds of the season, we're likely to be making a few of these!), a ball marker (or a quarter will work just fine!) and maybe some sunscreen and bug repellent depending on what time of the year you play. A bottle of water is also a must, especially on those hot summer days (and other 'refreshments' that the beverage cart might have to offer...)