Friday, August 30, 2013

Labour Day Weekend

Well everyone, it's officially the Labour Day Long Weekend. The last weekend of the summer before the kids all go back to school and life gets a little more chaotic. Juggling the different emotions that everyone has getting back into a routine can be a challenge. And on top of that, there are school/work lunches to be made, clothes to be laid out the night before, shopping to be done, and I'm sure I left a few things out.

Handling and coordinating a smooth transition back into 'life' can be difficult. Here are a few handy tips to remember:

*The kids are feeling anxious - just remember, anxiety is a normal hormonal reaction, especially with change going on. Keep your cool and remind yourself that 'this too shall pass'. Take it minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.

*The stress is causing your grey hair to come out - well, this too is a natural reaction. Handle your stress as best you can by getting a daily organizer to strategize and plan out your days and weeks. And most importantly, stop by Shoppers Drug Mart for that root touch up kit.

*Shopping for new outfits - ugh, the dreaded shopping day. Remember to keep your patience in tact, and just go with the flow. Eat a good breakfast and bring water with you. You never know when you're going to get a stress headache and need to hydrate.

*Back to school/work lunches - the handiest tip for lunches is to do it the night before. Not only will this save you time in the morning, but you can also sleep easy knowing there's one less thing to get done tomorrow. A piece of fruit, a sweet treat, something to drink and a solid PB & J sandwich will always do the trick in a pinch.

So, for all of your adults that are easing into the 'new year', that which is the school year, remember to keep your cool and go with the flow. Organization is one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself to save both time and energy.

And lastly, since you are all under more stress this weekend, use that extra day for yourself. Grab your clubs and come up to Bushwood for our Long Weekend Golf and Cart Specials. And if you aren't a golfer, that's fine too! Come into the Caddyshack for a cold beer or two or three!

See you there ;)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sizzling Summer Season

As summer draws to a close and labour day approaches, the golf summer season is drawing to a close as well. Bushwood has had a great summer season with great prices! And just because summer is ending, doesn't mean the great deals are ending too.This labour day weekend, Bushwood is the place to be. With awesome golf and cart combos, it's the perfect way to wrap up the summer season and tee off into the fall. 

As the saying goes 'when one door closes, another one opens', the same goes for trends in golf. With the fall golf season approaching, new trends are emerging. Recently, the talk of the (golf) town has been the peak of teenagers taking over in the industry. We are seeing amazing talent in young golfers on the televised golf tournaments.

Referencing back to a previous post, 'The Truth About Youth', it just goes to show that the youth of today have a strong interest in golf and they are going far with it. Hopefully this trend of youth golfers will continue into upcoming seasons and be passed down to the even younger generations!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Bonding at Bushwood

Many people know that the golf course is one of the main places where business deals go down. But in the business world, golf isn't limited to just making deals. Every year, many companies have staff outings or group events to build connections in the workplace and strengthen the bonds amongst employees. This is beneficial not only for the success of the organization itself, but also for the members of the organization.

As a business communications student with honours at Brock, this is no foreign topic to me. So for me being able to talk about my studies and golf combined is like a hole in one!

Bushwood hosts many company tournaments each season with much success. Not only do these tournaments provide an opportunity for the players to get a day away from the office, but it also works as a team-building day for the company. Having a golf tournament day is a great way to keep employee satisfaction high. It makes everyone feel appreciated for the work they put in. Additionally, it provides the opportunity to match up employees from different areas of the office for the golf foursomes. This is a great way to share new perspectives from within the company with each other, as well as by enabling a wider circle of relationships amongst employees who may not interact daily.

All in all, a bonding day at the course is a win-win for everyone involved. Go ahead, reward yourself for the hard work you do at the office - get on the greens and strengthen the workplace connections!