Thursday, September 12, 2013

Favourite Club

What's your favourite club? No, I'm not talking about the bar down the street, I'm talking about your golf club. 

One of the weekly games that our Ladies' League plays, I will call it 'Take it or Leave it', only lets them play with a few clubs. The rules of the game are:

  1. Take your putter
  2. Choose 3 other clubs
  3. Leave everything else behind in your car
  4. Using only those 4 clubs, play golf
Sounds daunting right? Yes, it has its challenges, but this is what's great about it. Some ladies take the easy route and choose their 3 favourite clubs to accompany the putter. But if you wanted a challenge, you should take your 3 weakest clubs. Why? Because this way you are forced to use them and practice making them work for you. 

For example, I am terrible at using hybrids. I just can't get them to work to my advantage. So when I carry my whole set of clubs with me, I often opt for a club I'm more comfortable with. Yes, it's great to hit a nice shot, but I'm losing out on a) getting use of my hybrids and b) I never give myself the chance to learn to use them.

This way, with only 3 clubs and a putter, when you're out on the fairway and your favourite clubs are in yards away the car, you have no other choice but to learn how to make it work for you.

So next time you're out for a less-serious round, play Take it or Leave it. Choose 3 clubs and putter and play your round. What will you do? Take the easy way out, or the hard way out?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Online Dating

This is a weighted title. Those two words hold a lot of heat. A recent trend? I'm not so sure it's still 'recent', but it is definitely still trending. It started with E-Harmony, then, and now plenty-of-fish and ok-cupid. The online dating service is expanding. 

This topic has been heavily discussed and now it's time to take it to the Bushwood Blog. I've been avoiding this topic for a while now, and I think it's finally time to face it. 

Lets weigh the pro's and con's:

-get to know someone first before going on a date
-no awkward conversation of if the person is interested in a relationship or not (otherwise, why would they be on the website)
-matched with the right personality (or so the websites claim)
-time saver
-avoid the awkward 'asking out' interaction in public

-lacks originality
-minimal effort (could be a pro?)
-no physical interaction
-lacks personal touch
-LOTS of fish in the sea (almost too many to weed out)
-lose the ability to interact in person and feel the first spark

So here's the dilemma: online dating has spread beyond its original target group of 35 year olds and up. Now, it encompasses almost every age group. You have to be 18 to join, but really? 18 year olds don't need to be on a dating website. That's just wrong. Today when I came home, my roommate told me about her friend that was going on a date with someone she met on First of all, what 21 year old needs to pay for an online dating site. We are in our prime to go out and meet people, especially in university. Second of all, what 21 year old MALE is likely to go on an online dating site...probably not someone I'd want to date. So as a female, is the online dating pool limited? 

I just don't know which way to go on this debate. Yes, it's great for meeting people if you don't have the opportunity to. But if you do have the opportunity, get out from behind the screen and meet them on your own time at your own pace.

What are your thoughts? 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Golf Gadgets

While trying to come up with a topic for my next posting, I decided to do some research. I did some googling and came across a product that...well, I don't really know what to say about this product.

So, before I tell you what it is, lets play a guessing game. See if you can figure out the product from these hints:
  1. Goes in your golf bag
  2. Provides you with one of the necessities of life
  3. Has two physical states: solid and liquid
  4. Battery operated
  5. Completes your golf game
Stumped yet?? It's the Drink Dispensing Driver (highlight over the blank area to see the answer)

After reading the product description here, I discovered that it isn't actually a useable golf club. Thank goodness! But for $89.95, you can disguise your drinks in this golf club look-a-like. Powered by 2 AA batteries, this product claims to hold 54oz (about 6 cups) of liquid while maintaining the temperature for up to 5 hours.

For those of you who love to give gag gifts at Christmas, I think this will be the perfect thing. Although it comes at a hefty price ($89.95...seriously!?) it would be interesting to see if it actually works. 

But before you think about ordering this item, take a look at the image - it appears to be just half a driver shaft with an attachment to what looks to be inside a pocket in the golf bag. Rip off! For $89.95, I expect a full golf club shaft.

Regardless, it's an ideal solution to quenching your thirst on the course before the Beverage Cart makes its rounds. Or of course, just grab a good-ole fashioned water bottle like everyone else does...
