Handling and coordinating a smooth transition back into 'life' can be difficult. Here are a few handy tips to remember:
*The kids are feeling anxious - just remember, anxiety is a normal hormonal reaction, especially with change going on. Keep your cool and remind yourself that 'this too shall pass'. Take it minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.
*The stress is causing your grey hair to come out - well, this too is a natural reaction. Handle your stress as best you can by getting a daily organizer to strategize and plan out your days and weeks. And most importantly, stop by Shoppers Drug Mart for that root touch up kit.
*Shopping for new outfits - ugh, the dreaded shopping day. Remember to keep your patience in tact, and just go with the flow. Eat a good breakfast and bring water with you. You never know when you're going to get a stress headache and need to hydrate.
*Back to school/work lunches - the handiest tip for lunches is to do it the night before. Not only will this save you time in the morning, but you can also sleep easy knowing there's one less thing to get done tomorrow. A piece of fruit, a sweet treat, something to drink and a solid PB & J sandwich will always do the trick in a pinch.
So, for all of your adults that are easing into the 'new year', that which is the school year, remember to keep your cool and go with the flow. Organization is one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself to save both time and energy.
And lastly, since you are all under more stress this weekend, use that extra day for yourself. Grab your clubs and come up to Bushwood for our Long Weekend Golf and Cart Specials. And if you aren't a golfer, that's fine too! Come into the Caddyshack for a cold beer or two or three!
See you there ;)